Warming up - My First Blog Post

Posted on Wed 08 July 2020 in posts

Getting started with my online blogging

This is my first post on my new blog.
I hope to be able to share my thoughts and knowledge in the various tech stacks that I'm involved in.

I'm going run on Pelican (a python static web site generator). There are numerous resources on the web - which may conflict with each other. Here is how I boiled it down (while hosting the site on github).

After setting up your environment (with the required installations)

Initial setup

After the setup (kickstart setup process)[https://docs.getpelican.com/en/stable/install.html#kickstart-your-site], follow the documentation on (Pelican tips)[https://docs.getpelican.com/en/latest/tips.html#user-pages] section to publish the blog as a user page. Create a dev branch to commit all the files while the blog itself will be published on the main branch.

Edit the pelicanconf.py and publishconf.py as necessary (this will also depends on the theme and plugin that you will be running with).

Publish workflow

  1. Edit & save changes to file
  2. To view on local computer run make html followed by make serve
  3. Commit changes when necessary (on the dev branch)
  4. Finally when ready you can run make publish & make github to push the changes to the github.io site