When Pytorch Datapipes Meets GCS

Posted on Wed 06 July 2022 in posts pipeline


Working in the ML arena requires optimal usage of data, in addition to maximum flexibility while manipulating of datasets. A common way to do so is to use pipelines that allow for a structural framework to manage these processes.

Lately at we wanted to run some image manipulations using the pytorch framework. Since our data are stored in Google Cloud Storage (GCS), we thought that we would be able to use pytorch datapipes as our pipeline framework. Of-the-bat it seem simple since the IO datapipes seems to be comprehensive, however, as usual and to be expected - once the implementation started we were challenged with some technical issues.

Our Use Case

We had some images that we needed to convert into embeddings and save them into a bucket. With the inspiration and stimulus of the documented examples we built our pytorch datapipe as follows:

def image_datapipe(root_dir):
    datapipe = FSSpecFileLister(root=root_dir)
    datapipe = datapipe.open_file_by_fsspec(mode="rb")
    datapipe = datapipe.map(PIL_open)
    datapipe = datapipe.map(row_emb_processor)
    datapipe = datapipe.map(post_process)
    datapipe = datapipe.save_by_fsspec(filepath_fn=filepath_fn, mode="wb")
    return datapipe

Lets go over the various steps in the pipeline.

Who care's about security

FSSpecFileLister is an object responsible for accessing the files in a filesystem.

In order to access the GCS filesystem, Pytorch's open_file_by_fsspec function uses the fsspec library with following code

fs, path = fsspec.core.url_to_fs(root, **self.kwargs)
  • The problem with this function is that it does not take into account the option to access secured buckets, i.e. how to pass credential for authentication in order to access private buckets - see thread on pytorch discuss forum.

In order to solve this issue we wrapped the fsspec.core.url_to_fs function into an internal function, while introducing the option to supply the credential token.

def _url_to_fs(root, token, **self.kwargs):  
    fs, path = fsspec.core.url_to_fs(root, token=token_path, **self.kwargs)  
    # hotfix - since the GCS fsspec implementation can return ('gcs', 'gs') as protocol
    if isinstance(fs.protocol, Tuple) and len(fs.protocol) > 1:  
        fs.protocol = fs.protocol[1]  
    return fs, path  

Now for the rest of the pipeline

  • Now we can add to our pipeline additional functionality.
    First we will open our image as a stream using PIL.Image:
def PIL_open(data):
    return (

The gfs is using the implementation of fsspec for GCS - gcsfs

  • In the next step we will create embeddings from our image stream. We used a wrapped CLIP model (image_processor). Note: it is always good practice to wrap modular functionality in order to allow for future replacement with a new model version.
def row_emb_processor(data):
    data[1] = image_processor.embed(data[1])
    data[1] = data[1].squeeze().numpy().tolist()
    return data
  • Since we want to save the embeddings in a parquet format, we will use the post_process step for this purpose, while allowing to consume the embeddings as pandas dataframes.
def post_process(data):
    df = pd.DataFrame([[data[1]]], 
return (data, df.to_parquet())
  • Lastly, in our final step we will use the save_by_fsspec method to save the embeddings back into a GCS bucket. Since we already fixed the url_to_fs accessing the bucket is straight forward. All we need is to supply the target name of the file.
def filepath_fn(data):
    return f"gs://bucket/folder/asset_{data[0]}.parq"

Additional Thoughts

  • Moving the data between the various pipe steps can be made easier when defining a dataclass object - by simply referencing the required property of the image in the various stages.
    e.g. instead of calling data[1] for the embedding - way not use data.file_stream. Hopefully this will be elaborated in a different post.

  • The issue of accessing the bucket securely has been addressed in this issue.


As a strong advocate for embracing pipelines whenever possible, the implementation of the various pipeline stages can be challenging.

There is no place to accumulate any technical debt in the security realm - thus solving the secure access between pytorch datapipes and GCS will allow for code reuse and agility in future projects.